Name: Task Force:Valkyrie(Hunter the Vigil, Core)
Date formed
Over view
One of the most powerful Conspericies in the US of A, TFV does not mess around... But it does flounder around. Based not in the military but the Treasury, TFV intrests are to porect the people and intrest of the US. However while powerful it is also bound up with red tape for days, and is often times more concern with keeping the status quo, rather than changing it, even if it's for the better. Not only that but their brother is out their...

Belived to be fromed form a number of a number of older ageneies after the second world war, TFV was fed well during the days of the cold war, and only contried to rise and Refine...That was intill the Hidden war of the late 80s, where a large part of TFV went full Purity and white sumpreancy, calling them selves Task Force:Jomungandr, and though TFV manged to send TFJ packing,Remaining Leadership reorganized to make sure that it would never happen ever again.
The enemy
Don't let it's short commons fool you, TFV is not to be taken lightly. Armed with Occult tech, TFV goes against the thosands of ENEs(Extra-Normal Enties), but not always with Bullets and high explosives, but with Socail support, black mail and good old fashioned Poltikin, to get what they want. That isnt to say that TFV is heartless, but they can be utterly brutal if they need to.
Project:TwilightOversee missions targeting Human seeming ENEs, acting as infiltrators to orgazitions run by them.
Operation FORT Specialize in things not form our world, including aleins, Spirirts, Demons, and the Fea.
Operation ADAMSKI The cover up agents, the men in Black, "leaking" false documents, and leading people away form the truth.
- 0:Gain a specility in firearms or weaponary, your choice.
- 000:Gain 2 dots in Allies(TFV Back up)
- 00000:Gain 3 contracts to spread arcoss the US goverment.