Name: Lucifuge(Hunter the Vigil, Core)


Date formed

Over view

"Lucifer is real, and we are realted to him", is something very few people ever think to hear,
much less with a serious tone.
and yet
these are the people that Have heard this. The self titled Sevenith Generation,Decendants on the lord of pride himself, seek to stop the plans of Lucfier and his armies form messing with the earth, in a self imposed mission to redeem themselves, how ever they have one weakness...the Demon blood inside of them is fickle and has a pre built number cap, of 666.This combined those with the blood of Lucifer have unnatrually long life spans, new memebers are not alway easy to come by.
the Seventh Geration are not slouchers, while help form their not impowered Cousins, as to not spread themselves too thin, as to only way for new memeber to awaken is for someone to die, or to allow the Demon inside them to takeover.


The Lady Lucifuge was the first, realsing what was happening to her, she gather many Occult experts to find a way to combat the Evil Withen, and that she did, finding way to predict who was going to have to their blood unlock next and hopfully convert them to the side of Redepation.
However during the 100 year War, an eqauly long war was being fought in the Lucifuge,one that left the Lucifuge the main power, but left a new faction, the L'Enfant Diabolique, Seveth Generation memebers that embrace their Demonic herrtitage.

The Enemy

At first it seems so Simple, The forces of Hell, but it soon becomes so so much more complated...
Vampires tha impower the Demon inside of them, Werewolves that worship spirital wounds, and Mages who work with Devils that seek to keep mankind opprsassed. The Lucifearge know that these can't be allowed to have their way, so they seek to fight them, but doing so makes them spread too thin, even with their non Demon blooded cousions.Of course thier is also the others that claim to be connected to Demons, other Crused bloodlines, which the Lucifuge keeps a close eye on...


The Denial Fight for the end of time, for that one day fires of Hell get snuffed out and Mankind will feel no evil.
The Reconciliation Are trying to find a way for to get The Moringstar back into God's Kingdom
The Truth A Small faction, These folks try to find out the answears to the gaps in the inforamtion they have.



Over view

Though the power of the Blood of the Lucifuge is of Hell, the Luciferage still use this power unlocked in their veiws. Though someothers(and themselves) say this is hypocritical,but as a Famous Martial Artist once said "Hey as long as it works". Besides that, An oath to the Will of the LUCIFUGE tends to help keep loyality up...

(PERSISTENT) In exchange for a hunter's vow to uphold the Vigil and to do the Lucifuge's bidding, hunters may treat the Will of the Lucifuge as a second Virtue. When the hunter acts in ac- cordance with the Lady of Milan's decrees in a way that poses difficulty or risk to their personal safety, they regain all their spent Willpower points.
Resolution: When the hunter's membership in the Lucifuge ends.
Beat: If the character resists the Lucifuge's Will, gain a Beat


Spill a bit of blood to cause of all a room to Light like the fires of, the smell of Buring Sulfer, showing the Bastrudized light of the Moringstar.
Cost:One point of Lethal Damage
Dice Pool:None
Summon Fire, as a fire ball and throw it at something or someone, but it doesnt stop at the target, the fire Spreads,creating more hell fire eurpt. Though,dispite this, the one using isnt immune

Damned Wealth

The coffers of hell are rich and fat, fill with unimaginable wealth to tempt people. The seventh Generation can take a little out of the pot. Declare what you want, it could be precious metals and gems, fine wine, contracts for souls, false ID, anything you think that could gain an advantage, though the storyteller at any point can say no to anything you what to whip out.
Cost:Cost: 1 dot of Integrity
Dice Pool:None
Gain what you called out for, if what you want is shot down by the storyteller, then gain the closest thing to what was called out (Paperwork that would prove someone guilty instead gives you the Code to the Vault were said Evidence is held, though the players might not know that)

take me back
Thanks to zeusofthecrows for making this template