Luminous Library


The shadow of a forest claimed by the moon Strian.
Realm Make up
Class Reflective
Hostility Level 5
Being Tpye Ephmeral
SubRealms Gaunlet,Void,Deep Shadow
Bleed over loci,Vergres,Wounds
"Like the Dreamlands, yet more hungery
-Mike Wattson, Realm Catgloer"

The Shadow or in the moon strain’s tongue, the Hisil, is a horrid mirror of the dreamlands, Where the dreamlands are a place of humanity’s highest ideals, the shadow is a malignant and Hungry realm, where spirits gleefully eat each other on a whim. We are Fortunate that there is a natural occurring “wall” between us and theirs, much like the Arcadian’s Hedge, the Gauntlet. Unlike the shadow it is a Stagnant place, with very little reports onto what goes on in it. The gauntlet can be breached by Spirits, or pools of essence, the substance that makes up the shadow, known as Loci, and wounds, which are much like the taint of darkness. Standard procedure is to burn the Excess essence away and to enhance the natural effects of humanity thickening the gauntlet to disallow any spirit getting through.


Pre War of Light

Truth be told, he only wants his parents to be safe, if he is conviced that they are in not in a active war zone.